GSvit documentation

open source FDTD solver with GPU support

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Graphics cards use

FDTD method is computationally limited by dense discretization that is necessary for its proper operation. For the standard Yee's algorithm (that is a core of FDTD) the stable discretization requires a spatial minimum of Δx ≤ λ/10, where λ is propagating electromagnetic wave wavelength. There are some approaches in the literature to overcome these limitations, which however lead to much more complicated algorithms that cannot be simply adapted to all of the large spectrum of FDTD calculations.

As a result, both the capacity of computer memory and the processing speed is a limiting factor for large and long calculations in FDTD. This fact decreases the applicability of FDTD for many purposes. An alternative approach, that is used in Gsvit, is based on using a graphics processing unit (graphics card) to move the calculation from the computer processor (CPU) to the graphics processing unit (GPU) and to speed it up significantly, as shown in the following graph where the time necessary for the same calculation on different cards and processors is listed (note that the x axis is logarithmc).

opt/graphics_cards.1437204209.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/24 08:14 (external edit)